Sunday, 30 October 2011

Practice Piece Analysis

In class we watched everyones practices pieces to the opening 30 seconds of the song 'Radar Love'. We pointed out good points as well as picking up on things that could have done better. This is my analysis of two practices pieces produces by others:

Frankie & Graham:
In this video, the timing is almost perfect. The instruments are all played to the time and beat they are supposed to. They have been edited very carefully and come in when they are played. The changes on the shot of the guitar which then changes to a mirror shot, switches/cuts in time to the beat. This gives a sense of distortion of reality which rock songs like the track used often try to create in their own videos. The lip syncing too, is in perfect time to the track. 
On the shots of the singing, the actor has been back lit by the window, which appears to make him look too dark. This is a small fault that could easily be fixed by using a different angle/room with lighting coming from the side etc. Also, I think that the blue colour scheme introduced at the beginning could have been carried on throughout.
Overall there were a good range of shots and the video matched the tempo very well as well as meeting audience needs.

This is another video from my class. They have used a huge range of shots which keep the audience engaged and I like the split screen showing all the instruments being played. This shows the band as a whole rather than just individuals. The editing has been put to good use as there are loads of effects being used. I like the slight sepia colouring they use which make the video look as if it were made at the time of the songs release. They have also been creative with the background showing they considered mise en scene.
The syncing of the instruments is a little off. The first shot we see of the guitar starts off in time but towards the end it starts to go off time a little. This could be fixed by matching them to the music better in edited however I know myself form doing this task how hard this can be. Also the first shot we see the drummer but not the drums, an improvement could be to show the drums as they are being played.
Overall, good use of editing and a wide range of different shots but the syncing could be a little better.

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