Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Planning - Practice Filming

I filmed for my 30 second music video opening yesterday. I filmed the drumming section and my singing section and I think that both sessions went quite well. The drumming section was quite simple, I did a birds eye view shot looking down on the drums being played for the intro of the song. As it was quite a simple beat, my drummer picked it up quite quickly and I think that when it comes to editing I will be able to sync this with the music fairly easily. I filmed an extra shot looking at the drums from the side as extra/spare footage incase I needed it to fill some of the time if I didn't shoot enough. I could also use this to change the angle and make the intro more interesting rather than just having one shot all the way through.
For the singing session, I filmed the 4 different shots I planned out on my story board. I had a mid shot of the singers feet tapping to the beat, another of him clicking and a close up of him singing. I found that the singing was the hardest part to film correctly. This may have been because my singer didn't have much time to learn lyrics or timing thoroughly enough which is something I will have to consider when filming my real music video. I also did a mid shot of him singing to change the angles after the other shots were shown.

Overall, I think that it all went well and according to plan and look forward to editing it all together.

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