From analysing the lyrics of my chosen song, I am able to work out a narrative and a structure to it from what the lyrics mean or are trying to say. My ideas about what to use for my narrative side of the music video are:
Introduction Instrumental:
Time lapse shots of clouds building up,
Possibly some individual shots of the band introducing them.
1st Verse:
Performance shots of lead singer
Shot of a little boy with a message in a bottle,
Tracking shot of how it floats away,
Pans back to the boy but actor has changed to an older character.
Showing a girl receiving the message in a bottle.
1st Chorus:
Performance shots
Time Lapse Shots
2nd Verse:
Male character walking through empty fields,
Possibly in the rain/bad/dark weather.
Flashback of memory of him and girl younger.
Performance shots
Time lapse shots
Male and female both walking/running through fields
Performances shots
3rd Verse:
Male and female characters find each other.
Characters possibly miming the lyrics to this verse.
Performance shots
Final Chorus:
Performance shots of band,
Close up on lead singer as the last line is repeated.
Last repeat time lapse of clouds turning into sun with characters in shot.
Extra Experimental Ideas (with examples):
Ink in water
Oil in water
Ink in Oil
I think that I want to keep the video black and white until the final shot of the time lapse where the sun comes in. It could start off with colour fading to black and white as the clouds build up.
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